With text files --------------- The generic way to set up your own cell browser is to start from tab-separated (tsv) or comma-separated (csv) format text files. The steps on this page assume that you have already gone through the process of clustering your cells. The files you will need ^^^^^ You will need the first three files described below in tsv or csv format, the fourth is optional:: 1. **Expression matrix**: one row per gene and one column per cell, ideally gzipped. The first column must be the gene identifier or gene symbol, or ideally geneId|symbol. Ensembl/GENCODE gene identifiers starting with ENSG and ENSMUSG will be translated automatically to symbols. The other columns are expression values as numbers, one per cell. The number type will be auto-detected (float or int). The first line of the file must be a header that includes the cell identifiers. 2. **Cell annotation metadata table**, one row per cell. No need to gzip this relatively small file. The first column is the name of the cell and it has to match the name in the expression matrix. There should be at least two columns: one with the name of the cell and one with the name of the cluster. To speed up processing of both your expression matrix and metadata file, these files should describe the same numbers of cells and be in the same order. This allows cbBuild process these files without needing to trim the matrix and reorder the metadata file. The metadata file also must have a header line. 3. **Cell coordinates**, often t-SNE or UMAP coordinates. This file always has three columns, (cellName, x, y). The cellName must be the same as in the expression matrix and cell annotation metadata file. If you have run multiple dimensionality reduction algorithms, you can specify multiple coordinate files in this format. The number rows in these coordinates doesn't need to match that of your expression matrix or metadata files, allowing you to specify only a subset of the cells. In this way, you can use a single dimensionality reduction algorithm, but include multiple subsets and view of the cells, e.g. one coordinates file per tissue. Note, if R has changed your cell identifiers (e.g. by adding dots), you may be able to fix them by running ``cbTool metaCat``. 4. **Cluster-specific marker genes** (optional). The first column is the cluster name (from the cell annotation metadata file), the second column contains the gene symbol (or Ensembl gene ID, which will automatically be mapped to the gene symbol), and the third column is some numeric score (e.g. p-Value or FDR). You can add as many other columns as you like with additional information about this gene. You can also run ``cbMarkerAnnotate`` on this file to add information from various gene-centric databases and link-outs to other resources to your existing table. See :ref:`Annotate genes` on how to add link to external gene-databases (like Allan Brain Atlas or OMIM) to your marker genes. If you used Seurat for your clustering, you can just provide the raw Seurat marker gene output. You can also specify multiple files of cluster-specific marker genes, e.g. in case that you are also doing differential gene expression analysis or have results from multiple algorithms. Make sure that all your input files have Unix line endings and fix the line endings if necessary with mac2unix or dos2unix:: file *.txt *.csv *.tsv *.tab Setting up your ``cellbrowser.conf`` ^^^^^ After you have all of these files in place, go to the directory go to the directory containing all of these files and run the following command to copy a sample ``cellbrowser.conf`` into your current directory:: cbBuild --init This sample ``cellbrowser.conf`` includes the required settings plus some other useful settings. The current list of all possible cellbrowser.conf statements can be found in our `example cellbrowser.conf `_. In your cellbrowser.conf, replace the default values in the config statements: * ``exprMatrix`` - expression matrix file name * ``meta`` - cell annotation metadata file name * ``coords`` - coordinate file names with a layout method label for each * ``markers`` - cluster-specific marker gene file namew with a label for each * ``labelField`` and ``clusterField`` - name of cluster field from header line of metadata file From the directory where your ``cellbrowser.conf`` is located, run:: cbBuild -o /tmp/cb -p 8888 Point your internet browser to the name of the server (or localhost, if you're running this on your own machine) followed by :8888, e.g. http://localhost:8888. The cell browser output directory (/tmp/cb in this example) can hold multiple datasets. If you have a second dataset in another directory that contains cellbrowser.conf, just make sure that the other cellbrowser.conf specifies a different dataset name with `name=xxx`. Then run `cbBuild -o /tmp/cb -p 8888` in the other directory to add the second dataset to your cell browser output directory /tmp/cb.