Quick Start Guide ---- These steps will walk through downloading and setting a minimal cell browser using an example dataset. It is assumed that you are carrying out these steps locally on your computer. It is based on `Nowakowski et al. 2017. `_ and the corresponding https://cortex-dev.cells.ucsc.edu dataset. The expression matrix only includes 100 genes, but it does show off many of the features of the cell browser. Step 1: Download the example dataset ^^^^ Download the data using curl:: curl -ks https://cells.ucsc.edu/downloads/samples/mini.tgz This file contains all the pieces necessary to create a simple cell browser. Step 2: Unpack the dataset ^^^^ Next, we need to take this file and unpack it's contents:: tar xvz mini.tgz This will create a new ``mini`` directory contain the cell browser files. Step 3: Enter the `mini` directory ^^^^ Now, enter the ``mini`` directory so that we can build the cell browser next:: cd mini Step 4: Build the cell browser ^^^^ Then, build the cell browser:: cbBuild -o ~/public_html/cells/ -p 8888 The ``-o`` option specifies the output directory and ``-p`` defines the port to used for the webserver. A bunch of information will be displayed on the screen, mostly just reporting its progress in building the cell browser. Step 5: Check it out! ^^^^ Finally, point your web browser to http://localhost:8888 to view your minimal cell browser. Step 6: Stop webserver ^^^^ When you are done playing with your minimal cell browser, stop the web server started by cbBuild using ``Ctrl-C``. .. Commenting this out for now ---- Building your own Cell Browser ^^^^ The next page, "Setup Your Own", will describe the process of building a cell browser for your own dataset.