With Cell Ranger =============== Find the ``cellranger`` **OUT** directory, it should contain an ``analysis`` directory and a subdirectory ``filtered_gene_bc_matrices``. The **OUT** directory will be the input for our tool ``cbImportCellranger``. The tool converts the ``cellranger`` files to ones formatted for ``cbBuild``. As we are reading Cell Ranger ``mtx`` files, we need the scipy package (add ``--user`` if you are not the admin on your machine):: pip install scipy The example below use the pbmc3k ``cellranger`` output files from the 10x website. First, download the files with the command:: rsync -Lavzp genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu::cells/datasets/pbmc3kCellranger/ ./pbmc3kCellranger/ --progress Next, run ``cbImportCellranger`` to convert the ``cellranger`` files into something that can be used to build a cell browser:: cbImportCellranger -i pbmc3kCellranger -o cellrangerOut --name pbmc3k_cellranger The ``-i`` option specifies the input ``cellranger`` directory and the ``-o`` option specifies a name for the output directory. You can use the ``-n`` option to change the dataset name in the cell browser; if it is not specified, it will default to the output directory name. Lastly, go into the ``cellrangerOut`` directory and run ``cbBuild`` to create a cell browser:: cd cellrangerOut cbBuild -o ~/public_html/cells -p 9999